Step 1: Go to
Step 2: If you have not updated your profile click "Click to update profile". You will be redirected to the page below. Enter your PF Number, and click "Validate". If you have updated your profile and you have not verified your account, go to Step 5. If you have updated your profile and you have verified your email, go to Step 7.
Step 3: If the PF Number is registered, you will be redirected to the page shown below. If you encounter an error, kindly screenshot it and share on the e-ticket for assistance.
Step 4: Enter your University(Official) email address and your contact phone number then click "Update". You will get a success message if everything is okay. If you DO NOT have a University email address, click "Don't have University email? Click here".
Step 5: Go to login page and use the email address you entered in Step 4 above and your ID Number (If you have not reset your password, otherwise use the new password that you had set) to login.
Step 6: For first time login or if you have never verified your email address, you will be prompted to verify the email you entered in Step 4. Click request for activation link. An activation link will be sent to the email specified in Step 4. Login to your email and open the email, then click the activation button. If the email doesn't exist in the inbox, check your spam box. If not found, go back and repeat Step 6 until you get the activation link. If you receive more than one link, use the latest link (Last sent).
Step 7: For first-time Login, use your email address and and ID number. If the credentials do not work, click reset to reset your password.