Greetings Graduands,
A huge word of congratulations to all of you for satisfying your various Examination Boards & The University Senate in your respective Academic Programmes. As we draw near your Graduation please find herein attached communication to assist you to obtain the aforementioned items. Read these guidelines and understand them fully before attempting the process.
1.Go to
2.Click Update and Put in your Registration number for Profile Validation.
3.Once it has validated put update your phone number and confirm the details. (Be keen to note down your University Email and the password which will be your log-in credentials. This will pop up on the Screen once you confirm your validation and updating).
4.Once that is done go back to and use your new-found log-in credentials to log in to the Selfcare system. It will ask you to request a confirmation link to verify your authenticity. Please do that immediately.
5.Once you have requested the link login to your University Email through the google Gmail platform just like you would in any Email and click the link that is sent there. If you cannot find it in the inbox check for it in the Spam folder. If you still cannot find it in the spam folder please request another link from the selfcare platform asap.
6.Click the link and it will immediately redirect you back to your Selfcare account confirming your account fully.
7.Now that you are successful, Click on the left tab named Graduands for access to your profile then click on the far-right button named view to open up your profile fully.
8.Update the final details that could be missing in your profile.
9.Then, you have the option of applying for a gown or Graduating in absentia thereby choosing to finalize your process without requesting the gown. Choose as you would wish. Remember even if you graduate in absentia you will still be bound to complete your Graduation Fees in full.
10.If your name needs any correction you will see the correction tab. Request for it and type your name as you propose it to be. Remember initials will not be permitted on the final Certificate.
Ladies and gentlemen at this point you can monitor your approval process on your dashboard and pick your required items as guided. I wish you all well as you finalize your arrangements. Remember if you require any further assistance do not hesitate to drop us an SMS and we will be with you right away.
N/B( Your University email is your without strokes i.e. / while the password is your REG NUMBER with strokes i.e. / and in CAPS)